Terre commune

Plus... Image animée : fertilink, J. Chalus tous droits réservés. Terre commune 2019, Biennale design 19, space design FrEn Terre commune s’inscrit dans une démarche de colonisation et de reprise du sol artificialisé de la manufacture d’arme de Saint-Etienne. Avec...

Marcenod – bois de l’hôpital

This project shows a set of interventions in rural Area for a tiny leisure park nearby Saint-Etienne, Loire Région, France. The proposition attend to create interaction between users & landscape in different ways. Located at the culminant point of the lot, « Petit...

Human cities /

Human cities / challenging the city scale is the 10th exhibition of Saint-Etienne Biennale du design 2017.We were asked to make exhibition & signage concerning different places & experimentations deployed all around the city. First part of the exhibition takes...


Fablabouffe holds its name from the contraction of « FABLAB » (fabrication laboratory) & « bouffe », which means food in slang french.  It’s both a community restaurant, and an experimentation lab for food. 1 to 4 cooking team can use the kitchen...

On est pas des autobus

On est pas de autobus !   « On est pas des Autobus ! » means : « we are not school buses ! »  I have been invited in Louis Vuitton middle school, Saint-Trivier de Courtes to work around information signs. Pupils prepared for me a visit of the buildings,...