par Jean-Sebastien | Sep 2, 2016
Stringed instruments & accessories, proudly crafted by IMAGO guitares, Jayat, France. LESS PIECES, LESS BONDS, BETTER THE SOUND We work on rudimentary constructions. O family design has been thought as radical as it making process. Rudimentary forms, as evident as...
par Jean-Sebastien | Mar 1, 2016
Au balcon du monde With Pierrick Faure, we designed scene accessories & scenography principle for Les ballets contemporain – dance company. Au balcon du monde is a show for young public telling the story of two explorers in north pole. Strange...
par Jean-Sebastien | Déc 2, 2015
This collection of furniture design come from a workshop i made with students at Shenzhen University – college of design on December 2015. Plus... 2015, design education, furniture design Un nouvel établissement pour le college of art & design de...
par Jean-Sebastien | Mar 2, 2015
ARMOR is a range of urban furniture designed for Rondino, exterior wood furniture company. Bench can be delivered with a solar compagnon. Collected energy is used to full electronic devices in urban situations like parcs, railway stations,… Plus......